Selasa, 05 Februari 2013

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Bandung Declaration 1433 AH. / 2012 AD.
The International Conference for the Freedom
of  Al-Quds and Palestine

1.      The success of Al-Quds and Palestinian liberation struggle demands more tangible support from the Muslims in particular and the international community in general.

2.      In order to unify the liberation struggle for Al-Quds and Palestine, agreed the following matters:

A.    Appointing  H. Muhyiddin Hamidy as a leader for the endeavors  to accelerate the liberation of Al Quds and Palestine's independence that is supported by organizations that care about the Palestinian issues.

B.      Under his command the team will establish the Syuro that will follow up the preparations to build the caliphate as a referral to the struggle for liberation of Al Quds and Palestine’s independence and protection for the international Muslims affairs;

C.     The Syuro team consists of the representatives of the participants of this conference;

D.    This Syuro will follow up the conference by:
                                            1.      Spreading the results of this conference to the government and parliament institutions to confirm the message of the liberation of Al Quds and Palestine through the State agency to United Nations;

                                            2.      Providing  advocacy for the Palestinian people, especially women and children and take the steps necessary to prosecute the Zionist regime of Israel or its leaders who commit war crimes;

                                            3.      Collecting and organizing the assistance of both material and non material to help al-Quds and Palestine liberation;

                                            4.      Urging the Republic of Indonesian government to open a consulate in Gaza for diplomatic services;

                                            5.      Preparing for the next conference in Gaza or elsewhere according to evolving circumstances;

                                            6.       Sending delegations to Palestine to facilitate peace reconciliation of factions and to promote Muslim Unity in Palestine;

                                            7.       Initiating a boycott against products that support the Zionist regime of   Israel.

Bandung, Sha’ban 15th, 1433 AH. /  July 5th, 2012 AD.
              On Behalf of the Conference Participants
               The Team,

Prof. Dr. M. Abdurrahman
Dr. Mahmoud H. Anbar
Achmad Michdan
Zainuddin Musyaddad
Dr. Abdul Halim bin Abdul Hamid
Ustaz Awang Suffian Awang Piut
Agus Sudarmaji
Subhan Amier Chaf
Nutfitri Taher
Dr. Rahimah Embong

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